Kinder and pre-Kinder weekly activities from November 7th to November 11th

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Circle time:
Rhyme my flower bed
Sight word
I…  can …   I see
Language Arts
Letter H, h:  house, heart, horse,
Pockets vocabulary:   unit 3 : At the Fair and My feelings

Pockets vocabulary:
I see the clown.
I see the merry-go round.
I see the popcorn

Math:  numbers  8, 9
Trace and write numbers 9 and 10 relate numbers with objects
Christian Education class
Mary is the Mother of Jesus

Pre- Kinder weekly  activities
                                                            From November 7th to November 11th

Circle time:
Rhyme my flower bed
Pockets unit 3:  My  toys
Pockets vocabulary:  I love my toys… I take care of my toys

Preschool book:

Completing objects…  draw the right part of the pictures

Left and right sides
Christian Education class
Mary is the Mother of Jesus…

Kinder and Pre-Kinder weekly activities from October 31 to November 4th

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Circle time:
Hula hoop song
Sight word
I…  can …   I see
Language Arts
Letter G, g:   guitar, goose, garden, grass,
Pockets vocabulary:   unit 3 : At the Fair and My feelings

Pockets vocabulary:
The clown is happy.
The clown is sad.
The clown is mad.
The clown is scared.

Math:  numbers  8, 9
Trace and write numbers 8, 9, relate numbers with objects
Christian Education class
Angel Gabriel Visited Mary

Kinder weekly activities From October 31 to November 4th

Pre- Kinder weekly  activities
                                                            From October 31 to November 4th

Circle time:
Hula hoop song
Pockets unit 3:  My  toys
Pockets vocabulary:  teddy bear, train, doll, game, ball

Preschool book:

Completing objects… equal parts

Shapes  circle, triangle, square  and colors..
Christian Education class
Angel Gabriel visited Mary

Kinder and pre-Kinder weekly activities from October 24th to October 28th

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Kínder and Pre – Kinder weekly  activities
From  October  24th to October 28th

Circle time:
Songs and rhymes
Sight words
  I… see…. the
Language  Arts
Letter  F, f :  frog, fork, flower, frame
My feelings : Happy, sad, mad, scared
Numbers  6, 7, 8
Christian Education
Angels  and messages

Pre- Kinder weekly activities from  October  24th  to October 28th

Circle time:
Songs and rhymes
Preschool  skills book
Recognizing their names
Pocktes book
I love my toys
Shapes:  the circle is purple….. shapes and colors
Christian Education
Angels and Messages

Kinder and Pre-Kinder weekly activities from October 17th to October 21

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Kínder and Pre – Kinder weekly  activities
From  October  17th to October  21

Circle time:
Sing the song   the Ants go marching
Sight words
  I… see…. the
Language  Arts
Letter  E, e :  elephant, egg, envelope, empty
At the fair…. I see the balloons
Number  6 and 7
Christian Education
Advent being a new year

Pre- Kinder weekly activities from  October 17th to October 21

Circle time:
Sing the song the ants go marching
Preschool  skills book
Cutting  strainght and curved lines
Pocktes book
My toys….  My boat.. my doll…
Shapes:  the circle is purple….. shapes and colors
Christian Education
Advent being a new year

Kinder Evaluation Week From October 10th to October 14th

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Saint Mary’s Episcopal School
                                                Kinder Evaluation Week   I Partial
From October 10th to October 14th 2016

Monday  October 10th

Phonics:  Students need to recognize the letter, its sound and vocabularies.
(note: the vocabularies are pasted on their notebooks)
Study the alphabet letters:  Aa, Bb,

I see the

Aa= apple, alligator, ant.
Bb=  banana,  ball, butterfly, balloon
Tuesday October  11th

Phonics:  Students need to recognize the letter, its sound and vocabularies.
(note: the vocabularies are pasted on their notebooks)

Study the alphabet letters:  Cc, Dd

I see the

Cc= car, coat, cake, cat.
Dd= dog, duck, door, dinosaur,
Wednesday, October 12th  :  

Unit 1:  At School

Inside the classroom:
Book, scissors, shelf,

Outside the classroom:
 hula hoop, jungle gym, ball

Thursday , October 13th

Unit 2:  Our Senses :

I can see with my eyes.
I can listen with my ears.
I can taste with my mouth.
I can smell with my nose.
I can touch with my hands.
Friday , October 14th :
Identify numbers from 1 to 5

(example page # 40  it is pasted on the notebook )
Circle the number that tells how many objects are in the set.

Pre- Kinder Evaluation Week from October 10th to October 14th

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                                                  Saint Mary’s Episcopal School
                                                    Pre- Kinder evaluation week
From October 10th to October 14th  2016

Monday,  October  10th  :  
The example is pasted on the notebook
Tracing lines from  top to bottom
(Example page # 232)
Tuesday, October  11th  :   

The example is pasted on the notebook

Tracing lines from left to right
(example page #  231)
Wednesday, October 12th  :
 Pockets  unit 1:  my classroom

Unit 1: My classroom :
 Glue, paper, crayon, table, chair ,door

Thursday, October 13th
Pockets unit 2: my body

Unit 2:  my body:

Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, legs

Friday, October 14th  :

Identify  colors and shapes
(the example  is pasted on the notebook)
Color the circles, triangles, and squares