Kinder and Pre-Kinder weekly activities from November 16th to November 20th

Song/ rhyme
I am special
Sight word
I-                 See- the
Phonics:  letter I, i

Indian, igloo, ink, insect
Pockets vocabulary:
Unit 4:  people we know/  tall and short
My uncle is tall.
My aunt is short.

Math: numbers,  8, 9, 0

Circle the number that tells how many objects are in the set
Christian Education Class
Jesus was born in a stable
Pre- Kinder weekly topics
From November 16th  to November 20th
Pockets Vocabulary: 
Unit 4: my family
My mother is tall.
My father is tall.
Preschool skills
Identify size:  big and little
Numbers 3, and 4

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