Kinder and Pre-Kinder weekly activities from October 17th to October 21

Kínder and Pre – Kinder weekly  activities
From  October  17th to October  21

Circle time:
Sing the song   the Ants go marching
Sight words
  I… see…. the
Language  Arts
Letter  E, e :  elephant, egg, envelope, empty
At the fair…. I see the balloons
Number  6 and 7
Christian Education
Advent being a new year

Pre- Kinder weekly activities from  October 17th to October 21

Circle time:
Sing the song the ants go marching
Preschool  skills book
Cutting  strainght and curved lines
Pocktes book
My toys….  My boat.. my doll…
Shapes:  the circle is purple….. shapes and colors
Christian Education
Advent being a new year

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